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Research papers and presentations

Michelle Du Toit, Chris Tisdell and John Lawton will be presenting the Exploring Creative Geometry Through Drawing with Mathomat session for teachers at the MAV and MAWA annual conferences.

John will review new Mathomat products and developments in the Mathomat Activity Centre (MAC). Chris will demonstrate the power of the geometry template as a tool for geometric construction involving the use of Tisdell’s Geometry Tool (TGT) which is a feature available exclusively on Mathomat templates. Michelle will demonstrate some of the creative geometric drawing that her school does in their geometry classes using Mathomat. Michelle will also discuss the new Mathomat V7 Builder student manual and MAC guide which she has authored.


Research Papers

John's angle survey
John is inviting mathematics teachers from years three to eight to share their perspectives on the conceptualisation and teaching of angle. It takes about 20 minutes for the full survey or eight minutes for the quick version. Angle is a fundamental concept in mathematics. This survey aims to better understand how angle is taught in classrooms, and to establish a baseline for exploration of how that teaching might be enhanced. The link for the short version is attached here, for links to a longer version please contact me. Your input counts!

New Research Paper
John Lawton presented a short communication in July at the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia (MERGA) annual conference. In this session John presented some findings from his survey of Australian teachers’ conceptualisation of angle during the teaching of mathematics. John’s paper can be read here.

Learning to think like a mathematician: ideas for measuring and comparing complexity in geometric constructions with a circle arc template
- Christopher C. Tisdell (School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW, Sydney, 2052, Australia)
- John Lawton (School of Education, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia)
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Understanding Teachers' Conceptualisation of Angle 
- by John Lawton (Deakin University)
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Beyond the compass: Exploring geometric constructions via a circle arc template and a straightedge
- by Christopher C. Tisdell and David Bee Olmedo
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How a Circle Arc Template Can Replace the Compass in the Learning and Teaching of Geometric Constructions
- by Christopher C. Tisdell
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Mathomat TGT session by Chris Tisdell wins Blue Hat prize
- by Christopher C. Tisdell
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